New iPOC user / caregiver right and roles for independently allow user to add new visits and/or standalone forms
Currently, there is an Igea user role named “iPOC Add New Task” which provides the user/caregiver in iPOC to add new tasks, both regular visits and standalone forms:

New user rights and roles were added to the system an agencies now can restrict the iPOC user / caregiver from adding new visits or standalone forms. You can now decide whether your users should be able to crate new visits but not standalone forms, or only standalone forms, or both.

You will find 2 (two) new user roles and rights in your system:
This role will allow user to add Regular Visit from the new task functionality in iPOC
- iPOC Add New Task: Standalone Form
This role will allow user to add Standalone Form from the new task functionality in iPOC.
Your currently existing users will continue to have access to both: create visit and standalone form. If you would like to restrict access to any user, please make sure you remove from the user the role having access to both rights and only add the desired role.
ERN Payment Posting: filters for Green, Yellow and Red status claims + new report
If your agency uses the ERN Automatic Payment Posting wizard under Billing / Accounts Receivable / Payment Posting, you will notice new tools available:
- New filters for show only found (green) claims, found not matching all items claims (yellow) or not found claims (red). You can use the checkboxes on the filter panel to show / hide the results by status / color.
- New totals references: the system will show you the totals by status (green, yellow, red) and also the total claims selected for allocation for each status.
- Print / Report: you can get a report and print it showing only the filtered data. For example you can show only the yellow claims by using the filters and print the report which will only list the filtered claims.
If you have any questions related to this issue or need assistance, please contact our Customer Support Department with igea Chat or give us a call: 866-356-9167 or emal
Igea Software (by Careficient)